samedi 12 décembre 2015

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "lose weight"when they make a mistake, then they  go back on track.If you  are too already strolled on forums on nutrition and diets, you've probably read many testimonies before / after people who successfully lose weight.

And what is interesting about these stories is that these people often share their tips to lose weight effectively.

It gave me an idea, so I decided to gather more evidence and summarize the main boards of people who managed to lose more than 20 kilos.
food plan to lose weight :
This way, you can begin to apply some of these tips today!
1- Drink water

One of the greatest commonalities of all people who have lost more than 20 kilos is all they have consumed a lot of water.

They gave up sodas and sweetened drinks and have desalinates with plain water. This simple trick has helped hundreds of people lose weight.
2- Keep a Food Journal

Write down everything that goes into your mouth. Most people were very surprised to see the amount of food they absorbed.

They did not understand why they swelled until they decided to keep a journal and write down everything they ate daily.
3- Count Calories

So that your bank account is not in the red at the end of the month, you must do your accounts regularly and make sure you spend less than you earn ..

4- To lose weight, it's the same!

You must maintain your body in the same way and eat less than you burn. I know it is a boring and tedious work of counting calories, but it's probably one of the most effective ways to lose weight.
5- Check the Size of Servings

Given that today, nutrition education is shelved, we do not know at all how to determine the size of a serving.

Eat portions the size of your fist is a good start toward controlling your intake of food.

Making a habit of weighing your food with a digital kitchen scale is a great way to practice to estimate the amount of your portions spontaneously.

Also, forget this bad habit of always wanting to finish the food there on your plate. For every meal, always leave a residue on your plate, it will teach you self control.
6- Do not Make No Draconian Plans

The best diet is the one that best suits your lifestyle. Once you find that this is not a diet - it's just a way of life. If I managed to lose weight in a sustainable way with the Sat i system, it is because it allowed me to not drastically change my lifestyle, but simply to readjust my habits, and to be able to integrate them my life every day.

Once you are out of the head there is a deadline, then you can start to focus on the realities of living a healthy life day to day. Being fit is not a destination - it's a lifestyle.
7- Be Consistent

Nobody is perfect. We will all make mistakes. However, successful people always have a healthy lifestyle.

They eat healthily 90% of the time, and it is carried out several times a week.

Exercise and healthy eating should be part of your daily routine, and soon it will be second nature such as brushing your teeth after every meal.

Find out what is the best time for sports.
8- Plan

A healthy lifestyle takes planning. Most errors are produced due to a lack of planning.

Plan your meals in advance so you know what you need to buy every week at the supermarket.

Buy only what you plan to eat, and try to cook your meals in advance. This way you can avoid buying sweets on a whim and you are sure to stay on track.

Make small changes constantly until they become a habit and you no longer have to think about it, and then make another change.

It is not necessary to completely change your lifestyle suddenly.

You'll be much more likely to keep your healthy lifestyle if you make small changes.

Try changing one thing at a time.
9- Teach You

Learn why. Do not just do something because someone told you.

Understand the purpose behind it.

Many people just want a meal plan or a plan to follow to lose weight fast.

However, people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off long term are actually interested in the impact of nutrition and exercise their bodies. They learned the why behind what they were doing, and they have had great success with that.
10- Become Active

Although there are some tips to lose weight without exercise, almost all people who have lost weight have started exercising.

Even if it was just a little, that they were more active helped them lose weight. The ideal is to find an activity you enjoy. You could for example try Pilates ..

Everyone has different preferences. Find an activity you love to do, and then get out of your comfort zone. Be comfortable being uncomfortable.

For me, my weekly exercise is water aerobics, but for you it may be the Zomba?
11- You do not feel guilty

You're going to screw up. We all do. Successful people do not feel guilty all the time.

They will not wait until tomorrow to correct their mistake, they do it instantly.

Their healthy lifestyle and weight loss continues to advance and progress because they allow themselves to make mistakes, and they end up becoming stronger as they learn a lesson whenever they are mistaken.
Surround You Gens Positives

12- We are very influenced by the people close to us.

Many successful people have had to move forward with their lives and leave old friends and their old lifestyle behind.

It was a difficult decision to make, but they understood how important it was to surround himself with people who believed in their dreams.

How will you achieve your goals if you never start trying to achieve? The beginning is half the challenge.

Do not be afraid of failure. People who have lost over 20 kilos have stopped waiting for things to happen, they decided to make things happen for themselves.
Find Excuses Stop

Successful people have turned the corner and realized that why they had failed to achieve their weight loss goals were simply (false) excuses.

It was a difficult idea to accept, but once they were honest with themselves, they spent less time making excuses and more time to find ways to achieve their goals.
13- Are You For The

Lose weight for me, not because of pressure from others.

We all have our own reasons for wanting to lose weight, but people who have really lost a lot of weight because they have successfully started their new lifestyle as they wished.

They have not been driven to lose weight by friends or family. They did it for themselves, and therefore they have inspired others to do something for themselves, too.
 Be patient

Unfortunately, you will not lose 10 kilos during the night ...

We all want to lose our excess weight very quickly, but once you realize that weight loss is a process, you will have a different view of it.

Stop looking at weight loss as a daily challenge. If nothing changes, nothing changes. This is a lifetime commitment, your decision to change forever.
14- Be Positive

Negative thoughts lead to negative results. You are the result of what you think.

Maintaining positive thinking about your weight loss journey greatly increases the chances of your success.

You learn a lot about yourself when you change lifestyle.

There will be many challenges and difficulties, but it is important to understand that even though this will not be easy, it is worth it.
15- Discover Your Relationship With Food

Why do you eat poorly? Relate your eating habits and emotions.

Go to the root of your negative lifestyle choices.

Get to know when your body actually needs food and when it is gluttony, and find new ways (other than food) to reward you.
16- Do not Try to Be Perfect

If your goal is to be perfect, you are doomed to failure.

Nobody is perfect. Even people who seem to have the most perfect body did not make it by being perfect.

Perfection is something that many want to achieve, but in the end it is something unattainable. Do your best!
17- Never give up

Weight loss occurs when you do not give up. Many people do not realize how close they were to success.

There comes a time when it can be very difficult to continue, and where we are ready to throw in the towel and give up, but he did not! Indeed, these are the people who will be ready to go all the way to succeed.

More persistence you, the greater your chances of success will be greater. Keep going and never give up!
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losing weight tips :
Just here! I made a list, I checked twice, of all these quick and effective ways to lose weight!
1. Say STOP to Fast Food

I know that this type of "restaurant" may be convenient, but it saves you empty calories, fat ..., one meal at fast food can contain all the calories you are supposed to consume in an entire day!

Banish the fast food of your habits ... this is one of the most effective ways to lose weight, and it's so easy!
2. Do Drink More SODA

The soda is also full of empty calories, they are in the form of sugars.

It also contains hazardous chemicals, dyes that have no positive effect on your body ... just one thing, say no to soda! Drink water with lemon instead.
3. Count them

Weight loss is really a simple mathematical formula.

It's like this: if you want to lose weight, calories you consume should be less than the calories you burn.

So count your calories every day, to see where you need to decrease (in the column of consumption) or add (in the "burn" column).
4. Take the Stairs

Want to lose a few more calories each day?

Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator.

This is a good exercise, it helps to burn some extra calories, and it's a good habit to be healthier and lose weight.

Like any other good habit, it just takes the will and practice.

I also advise you to try Pilates, you will see, it works!
5. Crane of the CARDIO +

If you already have a good cardio workout, go up a notch to make it an even more effective way to lose weight!

Add a little more strength to your bike, set a more level on the treadmill, go to your workouts more often ..
6. Add Weight

Here's another tip "weight loss": Add weight ... for your workout!

Whether you do the exercise bike or jog, you add a weight of 500 grams to 1 kg to your ankles so the training is more intense and more efficient .. you will see it works!
7. Eat Small Meals More Often

Does your diet is difficult because you still hungry?

Is this your metabolism idling? To boost your metabolism, and your stomach pains related to your diet ceases, try eating five small meals a day rather than three large ones.
8. Make Small Changes

Redeem your soda with water lemon cookies with your sweet corn crackers ...

These small changes, and others will help you lose .. empty calories, be satisfied longer, and lose weight faster.

If you decide to follow these tips, you will start to lose calories day after day, and you will lose weight faster than you think ..

It is a question of will! You can also imagine thin, this will give you even more motivation!

So please, put you on a diet, and follow these 8 tips!

If you also have other tips to share, please leave a comment ..
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