mardi 24 novembre 2015

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "how to reduce the belly fat"

How to lose belly fat? Whether one is a man or a woman, one is trying to lose all his beads. Fortunately there are solutions and sometimes just follow some tips to refine the silhouette. Here are 28 original and different tricks to help his stomach muscles and lose abdominal fat.

1 Avoid drinking tap water to lose belly fat
2 Eating the skins of fruits and vegetables to lose weight belly
3 Refine her figure by eating sitting
4 muscle belly with intense physical exercises, short and spaced
5 Drink black coffee to burn calories
6 Opting for 6 fats that are not fat belly
7 Practicing rolling massage massage for a flat stomach
8 slim belly by reducing the use of phosphates
9 Stand straight helps tone the belly
10 Choosing a good breakfast to keep the line
11 distress for not encourage belly fat
12 Keeping a flat stomach with a good sleep
13 Eat whole grains to melt belly fat
14 Beware of bis phenol A, which causes the appearance of abdominal fat
15 Taking his regular breakfast time

16 Losing abdominal fat through food supplements
17 Walking as possible to slim belly
18 Try other exercises the abdominal muscles belly classics
19 Losing belly improving digestion
20 Choose a sport or physical activity that muscle belly
21 Use slimming creams that target belly fat
22 Consuming anti-bloating foods to keep a flat stomach
23 Use a lap belt to refine its silhouette
24 Try fat burners
25 mix pleasant to losing belly with essential oils
26 Make your own drinks to slim belly
27 How to choose clothes to hide her curves and have a flat stomach
28 Waiting to slim down, hide bulges through shape wear

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Avoid drinking tap water to lose belly fat
The ground water is increasingly contaminated with drug residues no technology is capable of filtering at this time. Among these drugs, the most common is the female contraceptive pill whose high levels of estrogen can promote the appearance of fat on your stomach. So rather consume mineral bottled waters.
Eat the skin of fruits and vegetables to lose weight belly
Fiber consumption accelerates fat burning belly, gold is in the skin of fruit and vegetables that we find the greatest amount. So avoid to peel your apples or tomatoes to your losing your beads. Here is a list of fruits and vegetables lead to weight loss that can lose weight.
Refine her figure
By eating sitting rather than standing or walking, you can choose more balanced food sandwiches or burgers and especially you can take the time to chew well. But chewing is essential because it helps digestion and causes the secretion of satiety hormones that will stimulate more belly fat burning.
Muscle belly with intense physical exercises, short and spaced
Physical activity in the form of repeated short sessions allows more muscle belly than a long and prolonged effort. It is well known, running allows to work every muscle in the body and helps you gainer musclant abs. Those who want to lose weight we tend to prefer jogging while running sprints by interspersed with short breaks for ten minutes will be more effective to have a flat stomach. For those with less time, you can also make rapid and sustained steps of 5 minutes during your work breaks.
Black Drinking coffee to burn calories
Black coffee consumed regularly but not excessively has many benefits for the body. It contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. It mainly contains caffeine that stimulates metabolism and helps burn fat belly. Obviously, consume much black, without sugar or milk.
Choose fats that are not fat belly
Some foods with a high content of monounsaturated fatty acids will prevent the fat to accumulate in the abdomen. This is the case of virgin olive oil, nuts, avocado or peanut.
Practicing rolling  massage  for a flat stomach    
This massage technique will help you to lose weight by eliminating belly fat cells. It can be practiced in salon or for yourself. This massage is to form wrinkles by pinching the skin between thumb and forefinger and rolled between his fingers. The movement is from bottom to top and careful to not pinch too hard. Living room, it is possible to use machines that will suck the skin.
Slim belly by reducing the use of phthalates
Phthalates are endocrine disrupts that cause the appearance of abdominal fat. They are present in products such as perfumes, cosmetics, deodorants and some soaps which must be reduced as much use as possible.
Stand straight helps tone the belly
When sitting evil, bent forward or twisted to the side, the belly will tend to relax and soften. On the contrary, by sitting back straight, you'll tone your abdominal muscles and thus contribute to your belly muscles.
lose belly fat
Choosing a good breakfast to keep the line
Avoid fatty and sugary foods such as croissants, jam or chocolate cereals that will be housed directly in the beads. Prefer their foods rich in fiber and even proteins such as fruit or ham. They take longer to be digested and you will spend the morning without feeling hungry.
Distress not encourage belly fat
In times of stress, the body produces cor ti sol, a hormone that contributes to the increase in abdominal fat. Many methods exist to DE-stress: deep breath, take a short nap, pick up the screens in the evening or listen to soft music. Acupuncture for weight loss is also a method to DE-stress and facilitate weight loss.
Keeping a flat stomach with a good sleep
Lack of sleep has a significant impact on metabolism, particularly in the abdominal area. To keep a flat stomach, it is advisable to sleep between 7 and 9 hours at night to different people.
Eat whole grains to melt belly fat
Studies have shown that consumption of whole grains helps to melt belly fat by enhancing the action of the body insulin. It is easy to get whole grain products in the trade: of course, but also brown bread type cookies Bjork, wild rice, Bulgar or Aquino.
Beware of bis phenol A, which causes the appearance of abdominal fat
Bis phenol A is an endocrine disrupt-or that acts specifically on estrogen, thus promoting the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. It is found mainly in plastics, rather prefer using metal utensils, glass or ceramic.
Take your regular breakfast time
It is important to respect the biological clock and this is especially true when trying to lose belly fat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it is the one that will activate your metabolism. By taking each day at the same time just after you wake up, you will keep a low level of bad cholesterol.
Losing abdominal fat through food supplements
Dietary supplements provide substantial support to the efforts of a diet or physical activity. Some of them are particularly attack the belly fat. Among others, 45+ slimming curves of Gerlinéa abdominal or belly dish Milical get interesting results as evidenced by their users.
Walk as much as possible to slim belly
Daily use of the car or public transport has reduced the distance we travel on foot. Prefer walking as soon as you get the chance to help you lose belly: leave the car for short journeys and choose the stairs instead of the elevators.
Try other exercises the abdominal muscles belly classics
The bridge: in push-up position, you press your elbows, back straight and contract as much as possible stomach muscles, keep the position as long as possible.
Squats: Stay standing feet slightly apart and arms stretched forward and squat down keeping the hips well back. Repeat the movement and made twelve times as many sets as you can.
Lose belly fat by improving digestion
The appearance of love handles may be related to difficulty digesting. If this is your case, solutions exist. You can include contact your pharmacist who will advise a course of robotics suitable for your problem.
how to lose belly fat
Choose a sport or physical activity that muscle belly
All sports do not work the same body parts. To concentrate the effort on stomach muscles, select an appropriate sport. One of the most effective is the rower, he is well known for working the abdominal s. If it does not suit you, turn to the jump rope, easy to practice, very accessible and effective for losing his beads.
Use slimming creams that target belly fat
Among the many slimming creams available in the market, some will attack particularly abdominal fat because they are rich in active draining and stocking. This is the case among other creams Somatoline belly and hips, slimming intensive or Bio therm Cellulite Laser Mira.
Consuming anti-bloating foods to keep a flat stomach
Some foods give a feeling of fullness, bloating and cause fat gain in the abdominal area almost immediately. Fortunately many foods have an anti-bloating effect. We can advise you among other raspberries, kiwi, melon, spinach, cucumber, asparagus, beets, white meat and boiled eggs.
Use a lap belt to refine its silhouette
There are 2 types of lap belts:
-The Electrostatics belt whose electrodes cause contraction of the abdominal muscles helps your belly muscles without having to perform physical activity.
-The Vi bro Action belt that vibrates your muscles in order to burn abdominal fat.
Try fat burners
Available in pharmacies, fat burners are generally in the form of capsules. They are composed of natural ingredients such as guarana, spiru lina (seaweed) or caffeine. They allow to lose weight fast by burning belly fat in particular. The best known are X LS Medical, Then 375 and XS Protocol.
Combine the pleasant to belly loss with essential oils
The essential oils peppermint, basil or noble chamomile can help lose belly fat by reducing digestive problems such as bloating. Practice digestive massages by making your own massage oil. To this, add a few drops of essential oil to vegetable oil and massage your stomach with the mixture obtained.
Making your own drinks to slim belly
Make yourself juices that will help you lose belly fat. Among fruits, citrus fruits are known to flush toxins from the body, pear and cranberry stimulate your metabolism while providing energy through their vitamins. Also try vegetable based juices, notably the cabbage family (cauliflower, red, white, kale, broccoli, Brussels) very effective for burning body fat. If this method is right for you, you will probably like the slimming diet of cabbage soup.
Choose her clothes to hide her curves and have a flat stomach
Your clothes can help you hide your belly. Avoid horizontal stripes that stretch the silhouette, opt for dark colors that refine the silhouette. Dare contrast colored neckline or a light-colored skirt will look away from your belly. Choose high adjusted to your size. The fabrics accentuate your tummy tight and loose clothes make you look imposing. Finally prefer flexible and lightweight fabrics that thin silhouette.
Waiting to slim down, hide bulges through shape wear
The sheaths are slimming underwear that will refine your silhouette. They improve the shape of your belly by making it flatter and firmer. They exist in several forms: panties, body, shorts, leggings and are perfectly invisible when you wear them.


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